Seven arrested and one premises closed as part of organised crime crackdown in Hucknall

A suspect is placed in handcuffs by police officersA suspect is detained as part of an ongoing Clear, Hold Build police operation in Hucknall
© Nottinghamshire Police

Nottinghamshire Police have this morning (Wednesday) praised “a significant rise in local intelligence reports” as a result of an ongoing operation against drug dealers and organised crime in Hucknall. They say that more than 100 intelligence reports have been made to the police in the first two weeks of the Clear, Hold Build operation.

Police also confirmed that seven people have been arrested so far, one person has been recalled to prison, and magistrates have made an order closing one premises which had been “cuckooed” – taken over by criminals for use as a local base.

Police say that the the Clear, Hold, Build initiative is designed not only to reduce crime and disorder, but also to improve residents’ confidence in reporting to them.

“Over the last two weeks we have had a very visible presence in the local community as we have diverted a large number of additional resources to the area”, Inspector Chris Boylin, district commander for Ashfield, said. “From what we have seen so far that presence has had a very significant impact. Visible criminal activity and antisocial behaviour has dropped considerably, and intelligence reports from members of the public have increased a lot.

“Whilst I was certainly not surprised by the drop in criminal reports, it has been hugely gratifying to see the very significant uptick in reports from the public – about drug dealing, anti-social behaviour and other activities that cause such concern to our local residents.

“I would like to thank every single person who has reached out to us in the last couple of weeks and want to reassure them that the information we have received is all being processed and will be actioned if possible.”

Four of the seven people arrested were detained suspicion of drugs offences; and three on suspicion of theft.

The police operation is continuing with further enforcement activity and continued high visibility patrols taking place in in the area.