Ashfield District Council seek younger voices on its citizens’ panel

A crowd of shoppers in a marketplace in HucknallLocal residents, particularly women and younger people, are being asked to join Ashfield District Council’s citizens’ panel.
© Ashfield District Council

Ashfield District Council is calling on women and younger voices to step forward to join its citizens’ panel. The panel, which will meet next month in Kirkby, is made up of local people who are “actively willing to engage with us either face-to-face, over the phone or take part in regular surveys to help us improve our services”, the council said in a statement.

The council says that anybody aged 16 or over and live in the district can become a panel member and “a voice of Ashfield”.

From time-to-time, panel members will be invited to take part in a focus group or complete a survey to help the authority find out citizens’ panel members’ opinions.

Contact can be by email or letter, and members can remain as long as they like. “It’s free, there are no obligations to take part in anything you don’t want to, and you can opt out at any time”, the council said, adding that “there’s never been a more important time for you to give us your views.”

The council says it is working hard to make the district “an excellent place to live, work and visit”; and point to the millions of pounds being spent regenerating town centres and significant investment and innovation coming to Ashfield.

“Every year we have to make hundreds of decisions that affect our communities”, Theresa Hodgkinson, chief executive of Ashfield District Council, said. “That’s why it’s crucial we listen to what people have to say.

“Our citizens’ panel gives you the chance to speak for your community, to have your say and be heard. We especially want to hear from women and younger people – it’s crucial our panel is truly representative of our communities.”

The first citizens’ panel meetings of the year will take place on Thursday 18 July at Kirkby Leisure Centre from 10.00 am to 11.30 am; and from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. There will also be a “drop-in session” between 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm for people who want to find out more.

People who want to sign up for the citizens’ panel can complete the online form on the Ashfield District Council website, or request a paper copy of the form by emailing  or telephoning the council on 01623 450000.