Police arrest teenage boy after machete waved in Sutton town centre

Outram Street in Sutton in AshfieldPolice were called to Outram Street in Sutton in Ashfield at 11 am on Friday 7 June following reports of a disturbance and a teenager wielding a large knife
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A 14 year old boy will appear before magistrates in Nottingham next week after police responded to reports of a large knife being wielded in Outram Street, Sutton in Ashfield. The teenager, who can’t be named for legal reasons, has been charged with possessing a knife in a public place and a public order offence.

In a statement, Nottinghamshire Police say officers from the “county priority tasking team” attended responded to reports of a disturbance in Outram Street around 11 am on Friday 7 June.

They were unable to find the person responsible, but identified a suspect by reviewing CCTV footage. Last Thursday (13 June) they searched a property in Sutton in Ashfield and seized a machete. The teenager was arrested inside the building. He has been released on condition bail ahead of his court appearance on Wednesday 26 June.

“We’re really pleased to have been able to secure this charge, following some great work by my officers”, Sergeant Jonny Groves said. “Despite nobody being around when we arrived and searched the scene, the team was able to identify a suspect after accessing the footage available.

“Anyone who carries a knife or bladed weapon in public needs to know this will never be tolerated by the police and will lead to action being taken.

“Anything we can do as a force to take machetes and other weapons away from our streets is a positive thing, so we will continue to aim to do precisely that.”