Meet the Candidates: Debbie Soloman (Conservative)

Head and shoulders shot of Debbie SolomanDebbie Soloman is the Conservative candidate for Ashfield in the 4 July General Election

Ashfield Neighbour News has put questions to the candidates in the two constituencies that cover the Ashfield district: Sherwood Forest, which includes Hucknall; and Ashfield, which includes the rest of the district and a small part of Mansfield.

These are the responses of Debbie Soloman, the Conservative candidate for Ashfield. Click here to see other responses in Ashfield, or here to see the responses from candidates in Sherwood Forest.

We began by inviting all candidates to set out their pitch:

Ashfield voted for a Conservative MP in 2019 and as a result of the Government’s levelling up agenda over £62 million has been delivered to improve Sutton and Kirkby town centres.  I will ensure that Ashfield District Council deliver the change needed from this huge pot of money as quickly as possible. 

But this is just a start.  As your MP I will be a strong voice to ensure that we build on this with more investment in healthcare, education, jobs and get our roads fixed.

As a business owner I know how to deliver. I want new investment as quickly as possible and the change it brings to start working for local communities. 

Improving transport connections around Kirkby and Sutton will be a priority.

As a councillor, I understand the complexities of housing developments and developments like Holiday Hill should not happen.  Ashfield Independents pushed it through, and Labour will build across our green fields.  I will fight to ensure new developments are the right ones, in the right places, with proper infrastructure and community support. 

As a parent I value quality education and will work with schools to provide tailored support. Nationally I want to introduce better life skills education for kids at school – starting with knowing how to manage their money and key issues like pensions.

I will support older teens with a new “Ashfield Apprentices” website to find local opportunities.

I advocate for lower taxes, not the 17 additional ones Labour have told us, including their plan to tax pensioners!

I will hold Crime & ASB summits for community-police dialogue and hold police accountable for resolving community hotspot issues like drugs and anti-social behaviour.

The choice at this election is crucial; Ashfield needs a representative who will advance local interests in Westminster. My positive plan includes more healthcare, tackling crime, investing in schools, creating jobs, and supporting apprenticeships.

Nationally, I support the Conservative plan to control borders, reduce National Insurance for workers, eliminate it for small businesses, and ensure state pensions are never taxed. I believe in British traditions, low taxes, economic prosperity, secure borders, and supporting the vulnerable.

Given the current political climate, Ashfield needs a professional Conservative candidate who listens and delivers necessary change. Voting otherwise risks returning to Labour’s neglect. Ashfield deserves better, and I believe I am the person to ensure a bright future for local communities.

We asked the candidates to list the three main issues they are hearing from local voters, and how they would deal with these

  • Healthcare

    The health of Ashfield’s adults and children is worse than the England average.  That is why I’ve been clear about my plan to deliver more healthcare facilities across Ashfield so that they don’t have to travel to Kings Mill or QMC.  I will deliver a new community diagnostic centre to Ashfield plus a new emergency dentist facility at Kirkby Community Hospital.

  • Crime

    I want residents to feel safe in their neighbourhoods so I have pledged to hold Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) summits so they can speak directly with their local neighbourhood policing teams across Underwood, Sutton and Kirkby.

  • Roads

    More money has been made available to fix Ashfield’s roads by Nottinghamshire County Council but I will work to deliver more by working with the new [East Midlands] Mayor to ensure Ashfield gets its fair share of the £1.5 billion transport fund. No one should be driving to dodge potholes!

One of the roles an MP has is an ambassadorial function for the constituency. We asked the candidates to set out what they thought the biggest selling point for Ashfield constituency is when describing the area to outsiders.

Ashfield has beautiful green spaces including Teversal Trail and Silverhill Wood but the best thing about Ashfield is its people. They are friendly, down to earth and very approachable. I have loved talking to them and hearing about their local issues and about their neighbourhoods.

We asked the candidates a little cheeky question: to let us know a little-known fact about them that people might find interesting?

I walked a million steps for the Get Up, Give Back charity to help raise £165K for the StrongMen and the Lucy Rayner Trust mental health charities. It was a tough challenge and involved walking at least three hours every day for eight weeks – I wore my walking boot out!

And we finished with a difficult question: if they and their party weren’t standing in the election, which of the remaining candidates would they vote for?

The Conservative Party will always stand a candidate at every election. Residents should always have the option of voting for someone who will work for their local communities and give them opportunities in life so they can achieve the life they wish for themselves and their family.