Meet the Candidates: Jason Zadrozny (Ashfield Independents)

Cllr Jason Zadrozny, with colleague Samantha Deakin highlighting bee highwaysJason Zadrozny is the Ashfield Independents' candidate for Ashfield in the 4 July General Election. He is pictured here with colleague Samantha Deaking promoting bee highways

Ashfield Neighbour News has put questions to the candidates in the two constituencies that cover the Ashfield district: Sherwood Forest, which includes Hucknall; and Ashfield, which includes the rest of the district and a small part of Mansfield.

These are the responses of Jason Zadrozny, the Ashfield Independents’ candidate for Ashfield. Click here to see other responses in Ashfield, or here to see the responses from candidates in Sherwood Forest.

We began by inviting all candidates to set out their pitch:

For nearly two decades, I have put you first. As your Independent council leader, Ashfield has become the UK’s most successful council in the UK. This is because the Ashfield Independents put people before politics. With an Independent MP, working positively with an Independent council, the possibilities really are endless.

I first got involved in politics after managing the Pleasley Landmark Centre. I saw the gaps in services and provision provided and services that some of our most vulnerable residents needed.

As an Independent, I have proved that I can work with other partners to deliver what is best for Ashfield and Mansfield – take for example reopening Ashfield Fire Station full-time.  This has reduced fire response times by at least two minutes and will save lives across the new Ashfield Constituency.

Whether it is transforming parks, building leisure centres or working with partners to deliver truly transformational projects like the Planetarium and Science Discovery Centre at Sherwood Observatory, that Lee Anderson tried to stop because he thought it was too high brow OR the amazing things that are happening at Kings Mill Reservoir – I am the person who delivers – time and time again.

If elected as your Independent MP, I will fight for a law change to fix our broken roads and pavements, I will fight for our NHS – at risk of privatisation from Reform UK and to protect the green spaces we all hold so dear.

Party politics has damaged Ashfield and Mansfield – it is only since the Ashfield Independents took over Ashfield District Council that things are on the up.  There is now only one Labour councillor on our council – proving that residents are happy to put politics to one side if that means improving services.

Everyone in Ashfield and Mansfield knows that only Independents put you first.

As your Independent MP,  I am the ONLY candidate who can deliver positive CHANGE – the change that Ashfield and Mansfield deserves after being let down for generations by the tired old political parties.

We asked the candidates to list the three main issues they are hearing from local voters, and how they would deal with these

  • Cost of Living

    An average family in our area is £3,250 worse off a year than 2010. This is because of a Conservative government who have let down every part of our area.  Utility bills are up.  Petrol and bus fares are up.  Food prices are up as the Tories have increased tax 24 times since 2019.  All this was supported by political chameleon Lee Anderson who until he reinvented himself just a few months ago was one of the most loyal supporters of Rishi Sunak and his Tory government.

  • Health

    I was born in the Robin Hood Ward at Kings Mill Hospital and have fought for years to get better health services.  Our the past 14 years, our NHS has been mismanaged by the Tories.  Despite promises to write off the debt, Kings Mill Hospital is still paying £1.2 million a week in debt interest.  This is because of the bad contract signed by the previous Labour government.  If elected as your MP, I will fight to get the Kings Mill Hospital debt written off so that all resources our hospital gets goes on patient care.  I will also fight to improve access to Dentists – it is a scandal that over 40 per cent of Ashfield residents have no access to a dentist.

  • Roads and Pavements

    An MP is not directly responsible, but I will get to grips with the problem by fighting for a new minimum standard for road repairs and maintenance and forcing utility companies to co-ordinate work.  Under my plans, responsibility for road repairs will be taken from Nottinghamshire County Council and be handed back to local councils like Ashfield and Mansfield.  Just like they always use to be.

One of the roles an MP has is an ambassadorial function for the constituency. We asked the candidates to set out what they thought the biggest selling point for Ashfield constituency is when describing the area to outsiders.

Nestled in the heart of Nottinghamshire, Ashfield blends rich history, natural beauty, and vibrant leisure activities. Whether you’re a history buff, nature enthusiast, or sports lover, Ashfield has something to offer everyone. That’s why Ashfield is a fantastic place to visit.

Ashfield boasts an array of stunning landscapes, from rolling hills to serene woodlands. One of the highlights is the Teversal Trails, where you can meander along paths that were once bustling railway lines, now transformed into peaceful walking and cycling routes. For panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, a hike up Skegby Hill is a must. You’ll be rewarded with breathtaking vistas and a tranquil setting perfect for a leisurely picnic.

Our district offers numerous scenic trails catering to all levels of walkers. The Ashfield Trail is a favourite, winding through picturesque villages and lush fields, while the Silverhill Trail provides a unique blend of natural beauty and local history, leading to the Silverhill Wood – the highest point in Nottinghamshire, and a wonderful picture spot with the Miners statue, which is a loving nod back to our mining heritage. For a different view, Portland Park in Kirkby features diverse wildlife and rich flora along its well-marked paths. I love walking along the Cromford Canal starting in Jacksdale, it’s always so tranquil and my dogs love romping around the tall grasses.

Ashfield is home to excellent leisure facilities that cater to a variety of interests. The Lammas Leisure Centre in Sutton-in-Ashfield offers a fantastic swimming pool, a state-of-the-art gym, and a spacious ice rink. For those who prefer outdoor sports, the Kings Mill Reservoir will soon provide opportunities for sailing and watersports, as well as fishing and bird-watching in a serene setting.

Sports enthusiasts find plenty to enjoy in Ashfield. Sutton Lawn is a hub for local sports, featuring cricket and football pitches, tennis courts, and a bowling green. Ashfield’s community spirit is on full display at the Kirkby-in-Ashfield Rugby Club, where local teams play in a friendly yet competitive atmosphere, welcoming visitors to join in or cheer from the sidelines. We have also just refurbished the tennis courts at Welfare Park in Huthwaite, which are proving to be greatly popular.

Ashfield’s rich heritage includes connections to notable historical figures. The district was the home of Harold Larwood, the legendary fast bowler who left an indelible mark on cricket history. You can explore his story at local cricket clubs and museums dedicated to preserving his legacy. His statue stands proudly in Kirkby town centre along with his teammates. This August marks 100 years since Harold’s debut for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club.

Just a short drive (or good walk) from Ashfield lies Newstead Abbey, the ancestral home of the iconic poet Lord Byron. This historic house and garden offer a glimpse into the life of one of England’s greatest literary figures. The stunning abbey, set amidst beautifully landscaped grounds, provides a peaceful retreat and a chance to immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere that inspired Byron’s poetry. Of course Byron often visited Annesley Hall, the home of the Chaworth Musters family. I am proud to have played my part in the start of the restoration of Annesley Hall and even named the new build development on the Annesley Welfare site, Musters Mews and Patagonia Place (Squire Musters was the honorary King of Patagonia).

Annesley Hall, located on the outskirts of Ashfield, is another site of historical significance. Once the residence of Mary Chaworth, the childhood sweetheart of Lord Byron, the hall played a role in shaping the poet’s early life and works. Although the hall is currently privately owned, its historical importance and picturesque surroundings make it a point of interest for history lovers and literary enthusiasts. We have installed a number of information boards at the grade 1 listed church there that detail the incredible history there.

Ashfield is also linked to the renowned archaeologist Howard Carter, famous for discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun. Though born in London, Carter’s family had roots in Nottinghamshire, and local exhibits celebrate his contributions to Egyptology and his ties to the area. Teversal Colliery was sunk to pay for his expeditions to Egypt. We have installed a wonderful wall commemorating this on Pleasley Road in Teversal.

Ashfield holds a special place in the literary world through its connection to D H Lawrence, one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. The Carnarvon Arms in Teversal, a charming and historic pub, was a favourite haunt of Lawrence. It was here that he found inspiration for his writing, capturing the essence of the local area and its people. His classic works, such as “The White Peacock”” and “”Sons and Lovers”, are imbued with the spirit of Ashfield. Teversal Manor, a historic building in the area, served as the real-life inspiration for Wragby Hall in Lawrence’s controversial and iconic novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. Visitors can retrace the steps of Lawrence’s characters along the same landscapes that sparked his creative genius.

Ashfield is a remarkable destination that offers visitors a blend of natural beauty, engaging leisure activities, and rich historical experiences. From exploring scenic trails and indulging in local sports to discovering the stories of cricket legends and literary giants, Ashfield promises a memorable visit filled with adventure, relaxation, and cultural enrichment.

With its blend of outdoor adventures, leisure facilities, and historical richness, Ashfield and Mansfield stand out as a destination worth exploring. I am, and have always been, so proud to live here.

We asked the candidates a little cheeky question: to let us know a little-known fact about them that people might find interesting?

I’m a really enthusiastic (not necessarily successful) gardener, with a passion for self-sufficiency, I probably watched too much of The Good Life when I was younger. We keep eight hens in our back garden for fresh eggs. I love growing fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs. I’m also keen to start beekeeping soon to support our local bee population and enjoy some homegrown honey – hopefully, it helps with the hay fever too!

And we finished with a difficult question: if they and their party weren’t standing in the election, which of the remaining candidates would they vote for?

I would vote for the Green Party – although I don’t agree with all Green Party policies  – I do share their fight for action over climate change.  I do share their goal of protecting the green spaces we all hold so dear from development.  That’s why as Ashfield Council Leader, I lead one of the greenest councils in the UK promoting wild flower planting, bee corridors and I stood up to the government over their enforced housing targets.