Child sexually assaulted and photographed by Kings Mill anaesthetist

Police custody photo of Dr Edward FinnDr Edward Finn, 36, and formerly of Hollygate Lane in Cotgrave, sexually assaulted a child and took indecent images of them at Kings Mill Hospital in April 2019
© Nottinghamshire Police.

An anaesthetist who took sexually assaulted a child patient at Kings Mill hospital in Sutton in Ashfield, and took indecent photos of them, has been jailed for eight years. Police found nearly 4,000 indecent images of children on devices belonging to Dr Edward Finn, 36, and formerly of Hollygate Lane in Cotgrave.

He pleaded guilty to a number of child and adult sex abuse offences, including sexually touching and photographing a child patient under the age of 13 at Kings Mill Hospital in Sutton in April 2019.

Some of the victims are unknown to the police, including a female patient at Derby Royal Infirmary. Finn recorded images beneath her clothing without her consent in July 2015.

One of the victims is a child known to Finn, who was not a patient.  In total, Finn pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault of a child aged under 13 by touching, three counts of making indecent photographs of children, three counts of taking indecent photographs of children, and two counts of voyeurism. The offences occurred between July 2015 and November 2023.

He made 179 images designated as “category A” – the most severe classification of indecent images of children; a further 268 images were designated as “category B” – sexual activity short of penetration – and 3,461 were designated as “category C”, the lowest category, which refers to “erotic posing”.

The sentencing judge, Judge Michael Auty KC, praised the Nottinghamshire Police detective who led the investigation, DC Sarah Clarke, for her “thorough, dignified, and sensitively conducted investigation”.

“It’s clear Finn could not stop committing sexual offences involving adults and children and had demonstrated a high degree of sexual interest in children over a long period of time”, DC Clarke said. “I hope today’s sentence brings some comfort to his victims and I hope our extensive work in this case gives people confidence that Nottinghamshire Police will always listen to victims, treat them with respect, and investigate reports thoroughly – regardless of who the alleged perpetrator is.”

DC Clarke thanked the victims for “their immense bravery in coming forward and the dignity and strength they have shown throughout the entire investigation”.

DCI Paul Lefford, the children’s public protection lead in the county, said: “I have no doubt this case will be alarming for the public to hear. We have worked closely with NHS organisations and conducted a protracted and thorough investigation into the offences committed by Finn. 

“We are satisfied there is no further evidence of any wider offending and do not currently believe there are any other victims in this case. However, if anyone feels they are a victim of crime we would urge them to report it to us by calling 101. Alternatively, they can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Judge Auty handed down an extended sentence for public protection. Finn will serve eight years in prison and a four year extension on licence. He will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely and was made the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and restraining order.