Meet the Candidates: David Dobbie (Liberal Democrats)

Head and shoulders photo of David DobbieDavid Dobbie is the Liberal Democrats’ candidate for Sherwood Forest

Ashfield Neighbour News has put questions to the candidates in the two constituencies that cover the Ashfield district: Sherwood Forest, which includes Hucknall; and Ashfield, which includes the rest of the district and a small part of Mansfield.

These are the responses of David Dobbie, the Liberal Democrats’ candidate for Sherwood Forest. Click here to see other responses in Sherwood Forest, or here to see the responses from candidates in Ashfield.

We began by inviting all candidates to set out their pitch:

People in Sherwood Forest are fed up with this discredited Conservative government. As your Liberal Democrat candidate, I am fighting for a fair deal for our area.

Key Lib Dem policies include better access to GP and dental services, tackling the cost-of-living crisis and stopping sewage dumping in our rivers.

Our NHS is the top priority for the Liberal Democrats. Everyone should be able to rely on quick access to high-quality local health services when they need them. We must make it easier to get a doctor or dentist appointment.

The Conservatives have wrecked the economy, leaving people struggling to make ends meet. The Lib Dem manifesto sets out a fair plan to get through this cost-of-living crisis.

My partner Pam and I have children at secondary and primary school, so we know the issues facing our education system. We run a school community clothing group to reduce costs to parents during this cost-of-living crisis.

I am very concerned about the decreasing quality of water in our streams and rivers. As a representative to the Trent Valley IDB (Internal Drainage Board), I am anxious about increasing flooding events and how polluted floodwater impacts the land. The Liberal Democrats will always fight to protect our environment.

It is important for local communities to have their say in the planning process. As  chair of planning on my town council, I brought in the Neighbourhood Plan which received strong approval at referendum. I would like to see Neighbourhood Plans brought in around the constituency.

I work for a manufacturer in Newark & Sherwood. I have previously worked as a science teacher at Rufford Comp and as a laboratory technician at Ollerton and Gedling.

I want to see the Major Oak extension to the Robin Hood Line go ahead without delay. I am very familiar with the proposed route as I previously worked as a Coal QA Tester at High Marnham Power Station.

Please help me to fight for a fair deal for Sherwood Forest by voting Liberal Democrat in the general election.

We asked the candidates to list the three main issues they are hearing from local voters, and how they would deal with these

  • Health Service

    I am campaigning for better access to GPs & dentists. Everyone should be able to rely on quick access to high-quality local health services when they need them.

  • The cost of living crisis  

    We need a fair plan to get us through the cost-of-living crisis. Our Liberal Democrat manifesto, “For a Fair Deal”, sets out our fair and comprehensive approach.

  • Frustration with the government which hasn’t been listening

    If I am elected as MP for Sherwood Forest, I will always listen to local people and speak up about local issues.

One of the roles an MP has is an ambassadorial function for the constituency. We asked the candidates to set out what they thought the biggest selling point for Sherwood Forest constituency is when describing the area to outsiders.

Sherwood Forest is one of the world’s most famous forests. We can be proud of our natural environment, our history and our local legends. In these difficult times, tales of Robin Hood can remind us that the needs of the poorest in society must not be neglected.

We asked the candidates a little cheeky question: to let us know a little-known fact about them that people might find interesting?

I object very strongly to sectarianism; hence I am a member of the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland as well as a member of the Liberal Democrats.

And we finished with a difficult question: if they and their party weren’t standing in the election, which of the remaining candidates would they vote for?

I could never vote for a pro-Brexit candidate. I would consider voting for the Green Party, although their Sherwood Forest candidate does not seem to reciprocate in her feelings.