Ashfield firefighters in early poppy appeal for remembrance display

Artwork depicting silhouettes of “Tommys” and a net of poppiesFire fighters want to drape a large net containing poppies, like this one, around Ashfield fire station to mark this year’s season of remembrance in November.
© Nottingham Fire and Rescue Service

Firefighters based at Ashfield fire station are planning early for this November’s season of remembrance. They are asking individuals and community groups to make poppies that they can attach to a net, which they will drape around the station, on Sutton Road in Kirkby in Ashfield.

The firefighters are working with the Academy Transformation Trust Further Education College, in Sutton in Ashfield, to create what they hope will be an “amazing display”.

“What we need is lots of poppies to attach to a net we can drape around our station”, the firefighters said on their Facebook page. “If you or an organisation you are in can help please do let us know.”

The season of remembrance may be in November, but they need the poppies by the end of August to give them time to create the artwork. “We would like mostly red but also a few purple poppies for all the animals that helped and died during the war”, they said.

To help, send a direct message to Ashfield fire station on their Facebook page with your email address, and they’ll be in touch with more information.